Thursday, September 11, 2014

"I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep."

I suppose some introductions are in order here...

I am literal folk punk trash, I'm a twenty-one year old trans* woman named Autumn Lenore. I'm making this blog as a way to just vent, which is essentially what I am doing now. I talk about myself in the first, second and third person fairly sporadically, although I'll mostly talk in first and second, don't ask... I don't even know. I think I need to have this blog, because journal writing just isn't as secure in my home as blogging online, go fuckin figure that one out...

To continue the introductions in order here... Firstly I will talk about myself a bit more into detail here. I suffer from a huge slew of mental issues, including: GAD, antisocial personality disorder, dysphoria (both gender and just regular dysphoria), major depressive disorder and some currently undiagnosed mental issues as well. I have both ADD and ADHD, although I doubt the validity of the differences between the two, imo I have a hyperactive personality disorder without labels. I am very pessimistic about most things, but I consider it to be more on the side of realism, I just don't like to be disappointed, so I expect it. I have suicidal tendencies and will often blog about feeling suicidal. I do not apologize for my feelings, ever. You don't like it you can get fucked.